Docker Cheat Sheet

Images docker search NAME_REPOSITORY Find images in Repository. docker pull NAME_IMAGEN Download Image from Repository. docker import IMAGE_FILE IMAGE_NAME Import Images. docker tag IMAGE_ID NEW_IMAGEN_NAME Tag Image. docker images List Images. docker inspect IMAGE_NAME Image Info. docker rmi IMAGE_ID Remove Image. Volumes docker volume create VOLUME_NAME Create Volume. docker volume ls List Volumes. docker volume inspect VOLUME_NAME Path Volume. docker volume rm VOLUME_NAME Remove Volume. docker volume prune Remove Unused Volumes....

May 22, 2024 · 2 min · Volodymyr Vintila

Intro to Linux find command

The find command is a versatile tool in Linux for searching and locating files and directories. It allows you to explore the file system and identify specific items based on various criteria. Basic Structure: The general structure of the find command is: find <start_directory> <options> <start_directory>: This specifies the location where the search begins. By default, it starts from the current working directory (.). <options>: These are flags that define how find searches and what information it displays....

April 28, 2024 · 2 min · Volodymyr Vintila

A Handy Tool: The Linux sed command

Ever needed to make quick edits to a text file in Linux? While text editors are great for complex changes, the sed command offers a powerful way to manipulate text files from the command line. sed stands for “stream editor,” and it processes text files line by line. Here’s what sed can do: Search and Replace: A core function of sed is to find specific text patterns and replace them with something else....

April 21, 2024 · 3 min · Volodymyr Vintila

Understanding File and Folder Permissions in Unix-like Systems

In Unix-like operating systems, the security and privacy of files and directories are governed by a set of permissions. These permissions determine who can read, write, or execute a file or directory. Here’s a guide to understanding, modifying, and viewing these permissions. Types of Permissions In Unix and Unix-like systems, there are three basic types of permissions: Read (r): Grants the ability to read the contents of the file or directory....

February 29, 2024 · 3 min · Volodymyr Vintila

Move The Latest Commit To A New Branch

I sometimes find myself making a commit against the master branch that I intended to make on a new branch. To get this commit on a new branch, one possible approach is to do a reset, checkout a new branch, and then re-commit it. There is a better way. git checkout -b my-new-branch git checkout - git reset --hard HEAD~ This makes better use of branches and avoids the need to redo a commit that has already been made....

February 28, 2024 · 1 min · Volodymyr Vintila